Maureen Guttman, AIA
Maureen Guttman, AIA, is President of the Building Codes Assistance
Project (BCAP). A licensed architect with over 25 years of experience in
energy-efficient and green building design, Ms. Guttman oversees a
nationwide campaign to support the adoption and implementation of
today’s model energy codes. In addition, she directs several technical,
outreach and advocacy projects to help various stakeholder groups
realize the benefits of energy codes and efficient buildings. Prior to
launching as a stand-alone organization in June 2014, BCAP was an
initiative of the Alliance to Save Energy. Prior to joining the
Alliance, Guttman spent four years as Executive Director of the
Pennsylvania Governor’s Green Government Council, where she managed
programs that provided over $34 million in consumer incentives for
energy efficiency projects, developed construction incentive programs
that required high-performance building standards, and other policies
that encouraged efficiency and green buildings. Guttman has served on
several energy and green construction code development boards, the
Pennsylvania Green Energy Loan Fund Advisory Board, and the
International Code Council Sustainable Building Technology Committee. In
2010, Guttman was awarded the President’s Award by the Pennsylvania
Chapter of the American Institute of Architects in recognition of a
career dedicated to advancing building code adoption and enforcement,
and incorporation of sustainability into regulated building practices.
Guttman holds a Bachelor’s in Architecture from Carnegie Mellon