Home > Design > Culture > Backyard Beekeeping with the Beehaus Culture Posted on: September 08, 2009 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Backyard Beekeeping with the Beehaus By Amanda Kolson Hurley Courtesy Omlet Object Last year, the dedicated follower of urban-ag trends kept chickens in the backyard. This year, it’s bees on the roof: A British company, Omlet, has released the Beehaus, a picnic-cooler-style hive in five modern colors, raised on a stand to spare the beekeeper’s back. Includes a hive divider and four modular honey boxes, but no bees. The Beehaus costs £465 ($760) for the hive alone or £495 ($810) for a starter kit with a full-body beesuit and other accessories. omlet.co.uk About the Author Amanda Kolson Hurley Amanda Kolson Hurley is a senior editor at CityLab. A former editor at ARCHITECT, she has contributed to Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, and many other publications.