What exactly is a camp? A dictionary will tell you that it's a temporary residence erected for shelter, but in Camps: A Guide to 21st-Century Space, author Charlie Hailey, who teaches architecture at the University of Florida, looks beyond that simple definition to "understand how traditional forms of strategy, tenure, and lifestyle are called into question through built environments." From FEMA City to research stations on Arctic ice floes, as well as summer and boot camps, Hailey explores the paradoxes of areas that are neither temporary nor permanent. $29.95; MIT Press
Mike Morgan BOOK What exactly is a camp? A dictionary will tell you that it's a temporary residence erected for shelter, but in Camps: A Guide to 21st-Century Space, author Charlie Hailey, who teaches architecture at the University of Florida, looks beyond that simple definition to "understand how traditional forms of strategy, tenure, and lifestyle are called into question through built environments." From FEMA City to research stations on Arctic ice floes, as well as summer and boot camps, Hailey explores the paradoxes of areas that are neither temporary nor permanent. $29.95; MIT Press

What exactly is a camp? A dictionary will tell you that it's a temporary residence erected for shelter, but in Camps: A Guide to 21st-Century Space, author Charlie Hailey, who teaches architecture at the University of Florida, looks beyond that simple definition to "understand how traditional forms of strategy, tenure, and lifestyle are called into question through built environments." From FEMA City to research stations on Arctic ice floes, as well as summer and boot camps, Hailey explores the paradoxes of areas that are neither temporary nor permanent. $29.95; MIT Press