1991 AIA GOLD MEDAL: As dean of the architecture school at Yale University, Moore established the Yale Building Project for its first-year students. A leading postmodernist, Moore's 1965 project, Sea Ranch Condominium in Sonoma County, Calif., is an AIA Twenty-Five Year Award winner and an P/A Award Progressives winner for its ecologically sensitive design.
Haas School of Business
Berkeley , Calif.
Beverly Hills Civic Center
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Award Winning
Sea Ranch Condominium I
The Sea Ranch, California

Past Progressives: Sea Ranch Condominium Complex
The Sea Ranch condominium complex by Moore Lyndon Turnbull Whitaker was hailed as a paradigm of ecologically sensitive design—and remains so today.

Edward Allen, Building Technology Educator and Author, Dies at 81
The 2005 recipient of AIA/ACSA's Topaz Medallion was a longtime faculty member at MIT and the author of 10 seminal books.
Light on the Land
Turnbull Griffin Haesloop’s site-sensitive houses build on a virtuoso’s foundation.