Award Winning
Lafayette College Rockwell Integrated Sciences Center
Easton, PA
Media Lab Cleanroom
Cambridge, MA
Award Winning
Science and Engineering Complex
Medford, MA
Award Winning
Rajen Kilachand Center for Integrated Life Sciences and Engineering
Boston, MA
Award Winning
Amherst College New Science Center
Amherst, MA
Award Winning
Beyond Walls: Building on the Vibrancy of Lynn, by Payette
Lynn , MA
Award Winning
Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex, by Payette
Boston, MA
Award Winning
Milken Institute School of Public Health
Washington, DC, United States
National Coast Guard Museum
New London, CT, United States
Award Winning
Biosciences Research Building
Galway, Ireland
Award Winning
Fifth XiangYa Hospital
ChangSha, China
Duke University Environment Hall, Nicholas School of the Environment
Durham, NC, United States

Architects Foundation Announces 2018 Payette Sho-Ping Chin Memorial Academic Scholar
Yale School of Architecture graduate student Orli Hakanoğlu will receive the $10,000 grant.

2019 Architecture Firm Award: Payette
"We are not a practice driven by personalities; we are a practice driven by the strength of the collective."

Payette Wins 2019 AIA Architecture Firm Award
The Boston firm is the 56th recipient of the annual award.