Lawrence, KS

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University of Kansas Center for Design Research

Lawrence, Kansas / Studio 804 More

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ra50: Rockhill and Associates

Rockhill and Associates blends the modern with the agrarian. More

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Modular 4

2008 Evergreen Awards Honorable Mention. Architecture students at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, are granted an opportunity given to few other architecture students in the country. More

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modular 3, kansas city, kan.

This modular residence by Studio 804, architect Dan Rockhill's student design/build program at the University of Kansas, barely touches the ground. More

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kansas longhouse, rural douglas county, kan.

This rural Kansas project reminded the jury of Australian architect Glenn Murcutt's work. “There's something about the strength, beauty, and simplicity of this house that is just wonderful,” said one judge. More

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2006 leadership awards top firm dan rockhill

dan rockhill and his students aren't afraid to dirty their hands building their... More

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overton retreat pavilion, mcminnville, tenn.

Chip Webster couldn’t stifle his inner geek. More

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modern speakeasy, lawrence, kan.

Dan Rockhill may be the only architect in the country who's designed a home restaurant. The zoning-be-damned outbuilding he fashioned for a Lawrence, Kan., chef serves as the dining room of a not-quite-legal establishment run by the owner and his wife. More

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216 alabama, lawrence, kan.

Both of-the-moment and deferential to its humble surroundings, this house was designed and built by architecture students at the University of Kansas in a matter of five months. More



130 William

Adjaye Associates, Hill West Architects

Condor Street Housing

Merge Architects

Double Stoop House

Model Practice

Falcon Ledge Residence

Alterstudio Architecture

Garden Laneway House

Williamson Williamson Inc.

West Lynn Residence

A Parallel Architecture

River Bend Residence

Lake|Flato Architects

The Rose Apartments

Brooks + Scarpa

Henry Island Guesthouse

Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

Forest Retreat

Scalar Architecture

Sunnydale Community Center

Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects

National Juneteenth Museum

Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), KAI Enterprises

Wacheno Welcome Center

Opsis Architecture

The Ecology School

Kaplan Thompson Architects, Briburn, Simons Architects

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