The evolution of the Amana brand is a story that began in 1934. Innovative from the start, Amana brand produced industry firsts like the side-by-side refrigerator in 1949, the bottom freezer refrigerator in 1957 and the Radarange®microwave oven in 1967. Product introductions such as these rocked the home appliance market and cemented the brand's strength as a household name and symbol of quality.
Today, Amana brand employs that history of innovation and strong brand equity to provide appliances that help our clients' customers smoothly handle their daily household tasks. Amana®appliances are built with two objectives in mind: Provide end users with valuable products they can depend on every day, and help our building customers provide the simplicity in appliance technology their homeowners demand.
New & Notable Green Building Products
New products for sustainable homes, including efficient clothes washers, reclaimed wood flooring, and an energy monitoring system for appliances.
New + Notable Green Building Products
A selection of 15 sustainable products for sustainable homes, including efficient clothes washers, reclaimed wood flooring, and an energy monitoring system for appliances.
easy does it
When the budget is tight, Johnston reaches for Amana's Easy Reach refrigerators.