Making good architecture even better through the right lighting is what we see as our cultural contribution and the raison d'être of our activities. Today, ERCO illuminates museums, universities, shop windows, churches, airports, monuments, hotels, chain stores, trade fair stands, administrative buildings, parks, private houses and much more besides. Irrespective of whether the architectural concept emphasises functionality or presentation: our goal is, and has always been, to find a solution that does justice to the specific use and architectural features of each project.

Light+Building 2014 Product Preview: Erco’s Parscan spotlights
Erco will introduce its Parscan LED spotlights at Light+Building 2014 in Frankfurt.

Light Finder, Erco
Erco’s Web-based tool helps designers develop lighting plans using the company’s products.

Oseris by Erco
Created for retail, gallery, and residential applications.