Various industry groups and the USGBC weigh in on the recent decision to extend the development of LEED v4. More
Now ís your chance to comment on ANSIís draft standard for enhanced product declarations. More
ANSI-approved Green Squared program looks at a range of indicators. More
Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. remain on top once again, but Atlanta and Chicago gain ground. Riverside, Calif., and Boston also crack the top 10. More
Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. remain on top once again, but Atlanta and Chicago gain ground. Riverside, Calif., and Boston also crack the top 10. More
Thomas Kenney provides an insider's perspective on codes and standards, and the obstacles and opportunities we face on the road toward a carbon neutral building industry. More
The standard establishes minimum requirements regarding energy efficiency, water conservation, occupant comfort, and indoor air quality. More
A new standard establishes criteria for comparing sustainability-related attributes of chemicals and processes. More
RP14 is a wind design standard for vegetative roofing systems that aims to help builders and installers avoide the risk of uplift o in high-wind areas. More
The first-ever comparison of the two national green building rating systems finds common ground as well as differences. More
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