General Electric Company

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GE Announces Edison Award Winners
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Supply Side: A Window into Walls and Wires

The GE Dashboard in ICI Homes' Emerald model looks anything but special. Hanging on the wall just off the kitchen–with a screen about the size of a portable DVD player–it looks more like a fancy thermostat than a rare amenity. More

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Jan. 10 is Entry Deadline for GE's Edison Award

Project entries for GE Consumer & Industrial's 25th Annual GE Edison Award competition must be received by Thursday, Jan. 10, 2008. The competition recognizes professional lighting designs that feature GE light sources and is open to lighting designers, architects, engineers, and consultants. Submitted lighting projects must have been completed from Jan. 1, 2007 to Dec. 31, 2007 to be considered. They will be judged on functional excellence, architectural compatibility, effective use of state-of-the-art lighting products and techniques, appropriate color, form, and texture revelation, energy effectiveness, and cost effectiveness. For more information on the Edison Award competition, visit More

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GE Restructures Lighting Business

GE Consumer & Industrial has proposed plans to restructure its lighting business to increase its competitiveness and better its position for global growth. The restructuring would impact plants in Mexico, Brazil, and the United States by closing all lighting operations in Rio de Janeiro, closing some lighting operations in the U.S., transferring some jobs to other U.S. facilities, and transferring some operations in Mexico and the U.S. to other GE locations or suppliers. GE will now outsource some of the components needed to manufacture its lighting products rather than make them in its own facilities. More

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And The Winners Are....

A highlight of the spring conference/tradeshow season was the annual announcement of the lighting industry's design award programs recognizing professional work. More

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GE Focuses on "Green"

When one thinks about light, or dish washing, or refrigeration, or electricity for that matter, the name GE is likely to come to mind, particularly if one is a big builder, a majority of whom use GE appliances in their new homes. But the company that is known for bringing good things to life is not necessarily readily associated with the green movement. More

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IESNY Sponsors Four-Part Series on the Incandescent/CFL Lamp Debate

On April 21, 2007, The Illuminating Engineering Society's New York chapter held the first in its series of four panel discussions regarding the incandescent/compact fluorescent lamp debate. Representatives from the three major lamp manufacturers—General Electric (GE), Osram Sylvania, and Philips—were on hand to help clarify what one presenter called “a lot of confusion and misinformation” about incandescent sources and the recent flurry of legislation aimed at phasing it out the incandescent lamp in favor of more energy-efficient alternatives. More

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GE Ecomagination Homebuilder Program

In May, GE and Masco Contractor Services' (MCS) Environments for Living launched the Ecomagination Homebuilder Program, designed to help residential developers and builders design more energy-efficient homes. More

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GE Honored

The U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency have awarded the lighting division of More

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23 Annual GE Edison Awards

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130 William

Adjaye Associates, Hill West Architects

Condor Street Housing

Merge Architects

Double Stoop House

Model Practice

Falcon Ledge Residence

Alterstudio Architecture

Garden Laneway House

Williamson Williamson Inc.

West Lynn Residence

A Parallel Architecture

River Bend Residence

Lake|Flato Architects

The Rose Apartments

Brooks + Scarpa

Henry Island Guesthouse

Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

Forest Retreat

Scalar Architecture

Sunnydale Community Center

Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects

National Juneteenth Museum

Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), KAI Enterprises

Wacheno Welcome Center

Opsis Architecture

The Ecology School

Kaplan Thompson Architects, Briburn, Simons Architects

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