New color rendering metrics and technologies are addressing lighting quality... More
Architect Richard Rogers faces legal troubles, Mies van der Rohe's Farnsworth House gets a light installation, and more stories headlining Wednesday. More
Determine whether the cost of exceeding code requirements will pay off with BIRDS, a Web-based software platform developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. More
Determine whether the cost of exceeding code requirements will pay off with BIRDS, a Web-based software platform developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. More
Solid-state lighting is forcing the industry to examine longstanding metrics. More
The material allows users to capture images at distances shorter than the... More
The experimental net-zero-energy residence produced more energy than it consumed during its year-long test period. More
Nearing the end of a year-long testing period, the National Institute of Standards and Technology's experimental net-zero-energy house has less than 30 days to overcome an energy deficit. More
Researchers have identified a material that behaves unlike glass or crystal. More
The LEED-Platinum home on the NIST campus will serve as a testing laboratory for energy-efficient technologies. More