Architects, business consultants, and attorneys provide tips for firm leaders who... More
The keys to writing an effective position statement and figuring out what kind of firm you want to be. More
To get new business, firms are devoting more resources to upfront design work. It's a calculated gamble that doesn't always pay off. More
In recessionary times, architects have to exercise their creativity and do more with less. More
A new wayfinding and signage system cools heads at a city government parking garage. More
El Dorado injects a sense of whimsy into a sober program: a drug-testing center for athletes. More
We travel to Kansas City to profile the funny, smart, and practical architecture firm El Dorado Architects. More
It's not easy for an outsider to catch the folks at el dorado in an entirely serious moment. The Kansas City, Mo., firm's five partners recently used the 1980s hair band Def Leppard as a reference point in an architectural lecture. The group's offbeat, deadpan sense of humor harmonizes with their pronounced aversion to the idea of the heroic, Howard Roark-style architect. More
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