The highly reflective exterior cladding allows the building to showcase its surroundings.
The bottling plant sits adjacent to its glacial source.
Cutouts from the façade allow outward views to the waterfall.
The plant sits atop a 1.5 meter raised berm to prevent flooding during times of river swelling.
A view toward the bottling plant entry.
Entry to the bottling plant.
Office spaces within the plant are in spaces with lower ceilings.
A lofted space above the offices provides casual meeting space overlooking the bottling process portion of the facility.
The kitchen, at far left, and a supply closet, are in the lower level of the facility.
The bottling process takes place in a double-height section of the interior.
Site plan.
First floor plan.
Second floor plan.
Roof plan.
Section A-A.
Section B-B.
Unfolded elevations.
Another look at the façade, with its glazing reflecting the surrounding landscape.
Architects Constanza Hagemann and Nicolás Valdés.