Playlist for Plans for New Eco-Friendly SW District

Playlist for Plans for New Eco-Friendly SW District

Recommended SW Ecodistrict revitalization scenario, view south from the National Mall.

Playlist for Plans for New Eco-Friendly SW District

In the future, 10th Street, SW will become an inviting civic corridor connecting the National Mall to the Southwest waterfront.

Playlist for Plans for New Eco-Friendly SW District

Regional commuters will experience an expanded L’Enfant Station intermodal center that utilizes green infrastructure strategies.

Playlist for Plans for New Eco-Friendly SW District

Reservation 113 will become the neighborhood’s central public space.

Playlist for Plans for New Eco-Friendly SW District

Banneker Park will become a nationally significant cultural destination.

Playlist for Plans for New Eco-Friendly SW District

The SW Ecodistrict in 2030.

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