ARCHITECT Live is the official broadcast center for the A’17 Conference on Architecture, which takes place April 27–29 in Orlando. Developed in collaboration with the American Institute of Architects (AIA), ARCHITECT Live is produced and directed by Hanley Wood, the integrated media partner of the AIA. Working with the editorial team of ARCHITECT, as well as key staff and volunteer leaders of the AIA, Hanley Wood delivers thoughtful interviews with award-winning architects, presentations by leading design professionals, and onstage events that highlight the value of architects and building design.
Watch the livesteam on ARCHITECT's Facebook page.
Friday, April 28
10:30 a.m. Housing and Non-Residential Forecast
David Cobb, regional director, Florida, Metrostudy
Kermit Baker, chief economist, American Institute of Architects
Moderator: Ned Cramer, vice president and editor-in-chief, ARCHITECT
11 a.m. A Conversation with Robert A.M. Stern, Topaz Medallion Winner
Robert A.M. Stern, FAIA, founder and senior partner, Robert A.M. Stern Architects
Moderator: Ned Cramer, vice president and editor-in-chief, ARCHITECT
11:30 a.m. Urbanism
John Haymaker, director of research, senior associate, Perkins+Will
James Slade, FAIA, principal, Slade Architecture
Moderator: Katie Gerfen, senior editor, ARCHITECT
NoonMaking the Case for Resiliency
Jill Lerner, FAIA, principal, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
Mark Ginsberg, FAIA, Curtis + Ginsberg Architects
Jon Penndorf, FAIA, senior associate, project manager, sustainability leader, Perkins+Will
Moderator: Wanda Lau, editor, technology and practice, ARCHITECT
12:30 p.m. Stay Informed on the Path to Licensure
Michael J. Armstrong, CEO, National Council of Architectural Registration Boards
Michael J. Monti, Hon. AIA, executive director, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Andrea S. Rutledge, Hon. AIA, executive director, National Architectural Accrediting Board
1 p.m. Approving and Selecting Building Products with Confidence (sponsored by ICC)
Michael Temesvary, director of sales and partnerships, ICC
1:30 p.m. 2017: A S.P.A.C.E. Odyssey to Specification (sponsored by Pipitone)
Scott Pipitone, CEO, Pipitone Group
Kim Tarquinio, director, account services, Pipitone Group
Patrick J. Kenny, director, marketing and construction market team, Vitro Architectural Glass
Ron Spink, group president, design group, Hanley Wood
Bill Odell, FAIA, director of science and technology, HOK
Jason Dale Pierce, AIA, architectural discipline director, Jacobs
Moderator: Ned Cramer, vice president and editor-in-chief, ARCHITECT
2:30 p.m. Transitional by Design
Steve Dewan, senior principal, Bassenian Lagoni
3 p.m. The Future of Design Technology
Cory Brugger, Assoc. AIA, director of design technology, Morphosis
Kimon Onuma, FAIA, founder and president, Onuma and thought leadership chair, BuildingSmart Alliance
Dennis Shelden, AIA, director of Digital Building Lab and associate professor, School of Architecture, Georgia Tech
Moderator: Wanda Lau, editor, technology and practice, ARCHITECT
3:30 p.m. AEC Cares—How the AEC Community Improves Lives in the Convention Host City
Laura Marlow, vice president, strategic partnerships, ConstructConnect
Mike Davis, FAIA, president, Bergmeyer
Ronok Nichols, AIA, senior associate, DLR Group
Rebecca Grounds, director corporate relations, American Institute of Architects
Moderator: Ned Cramer, vice president and editor-in-chief, ARCHITECT
Saturday, April 29
10 a.m. The Integrated Path at SCAD: The First Cohort
Elaine Gallagher Adams, AIA, professor, architecture and urban design, Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD)
Matthew Dudzik, AIA, professor of architecture, SCAD
Jodie Quinter, regional associate director, AIA South Atlantic Region, LS3P
Moderator: Christian Sottile, dean of the School of Building Arts, SCAD
10:30 a.m. How Green Design Saves Money to the Owner—Not Just a Way to Get a Plaque (brought to you by Cosentino)
Steve DeBerardino, A&D director, Cosentino North America
Manny Gonzalez, FAIA, principal, KTGY
Moderator: Jennifer Castenson, director of thought leadership, Hanley Wood
11 a.m.Collaborative Achievement Award Winner: Enterprise Rose Architectural Fellowship
Katherine Williams, AIA, Rose Fellow 2005–2008
Ceara O’Leary, Rose Fellow 2012–2014, senior designer and project director, Detroit Collaborative Design Center
Jamie Blosser, Rose Fellow 2000–2003, executive director, Santa Fe Art Institute
Emily Roush Elliott, Rose Fellow 2013–2015, Greenwood LeFlore Economic Development Foundation and Carl Small Town Center
Moderator: Christopher Scott, director, Enterprise Rose Fellowship Program, founder, Centennial Parkside Community Development Corporation
11:30 a.m. Are Your Specifications Up to Date? (brought to you by ARCOM)
Joseph Berchenko, AIA, director MasterSpec Specifications
And here's what you missed:
Thursday, April 27
10:30 a.m. ARCHITECT Live Kick-Off
Host and chief moderator: Ned Cramer, vice president and editor-in-chief, ARCHITECT
11 a.m. Purposeful and Practical Performance (sponsored by Owens Corning)
Herbert Slone, chief architect, Owens Corning
Angie Ogino, technical leader Thermafiber & Insolutions, Owens Corning
Gale Tedhams, director sustainability, Owens Corning
Moderator: Ned Cramer, vice president and editor-in-chief, ARCHITECT
11:30 a.m. Design that Cares
Francis Kéré, principal, Kéré Architecture
Moderator: Katie Gerfen, senior editor, ARCHITECT
Noon What’s Next in Sustainable Design?
Mary Ann Lazarus, FAIA, principal, MALeco
Heather Holdridge, Assoc. AIA, sustainability director, Lake|Flato Architects
Lance Hosey, FAIA, chair of design excellence, Harley Ellis Devereaux
Kim Shinn, principal and senior sustainability wizard, TLC Engineering for Architects
Moderator: Wanda Lau, editor, technology and practice, ARCHITECT
12:30 p.m. Spreading Cheer at Florida Hospital for Children (sponsored by Andersen Windows)
Jessica Marshall, segment marketing manager, Andersen Windows
Ben DeLoach, director of business development and events, Cheeriodicals
Lisa Robertson, family ambassador, Florida Hospital for Children
1 p.m. Design Benefits of Mass Timber (sponsored by reThink Wood)
Jeff Morrow, program manager, construction, Lendlease
Tom Chung, principal, Leers Weinzapfel Associates Architects
Moderator: Ned Cramer, vice president and editor-in-chief, ARCHITECT
1:30 p.m. Canstruction Design/Build Awards
Emily Moore, director of global programs, Canstruction
2 p.m. Innovative Affordable Housing
Larry Scarpa, FAIA, Brooks + Scarpa
Eric Bunge, principal, nARCHITECTS
Moderator: Sara Johnson, associate editor, ARCHITECT
2:30 p.m. Syncopating the Urban Landscape: More People, More Programs, More Geographies
Dan Pitera, FAIA, executive director, Detroit Collaborative Design Center
Ceara O’Leary, AIA, senior designer and project director, Detroit Collaborative Design Center
Charles Cross, senior landscape designer, Detroit Collaborative Design Center
Moderator: Katie Gerfen, senior editor, ARCHITECT
3 p.m.2017 Architect’s Challenge Winners Announcement
Dondi Kazukewicz, senior manager of brand communications, Marvin Windows and Doors
Manny Gonzalez, FAIA, principal, KTGY
3:30 p.m. Equity by Design
Lilian Asperin-Clyman, AIA, associate, WRNS Studio
Annelise Pitts, designer, Assoc. AIA, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
Kendall Nicholson, director of research and information at Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Carole Wedge, FAIA, president, Shepley Bulfinch
Moderator: Saskia Dennis-van Dijl, principal consultant, Cameron MacAllister Group, executive director, Global Design Alliance
We will have videos of some of the completed panel sessions on our website, so check our video gallery later.