Architect Robert Venturi, FAIA, died on Tuesday, and as news broke of his death this afternoon, the architecture community posted remembrances online. Here are just a few.
Always and forever, one of my favorite architectural things. RIP Robert Venturi.
— Alexandra Lange (@LangeAlexandra) September 19, 2018
I am heartbroken to learn of the death of Robert Venturi. Writing about him and Denise Scott Brown was the beginning of my career as an architecture critic: Less Is More‐mies van der Rohe Less Is a Bore--Robert Venturi
— Paul Goldberger (@paulgoldberger) September 19, 2018
It is almost incomprehensible, but we have lost Robert Venturi, a thinker, teacher, architect and writer who played a vital role in massively expanding the notion of what academic architecture was, and could be...
— AdamNathanielFurman (@Furmadamadam) September 19, 2018
I just heard of this. He was Kieran’s and my mentor, along with Denise Scott Brown and John Rauch. We’re grateful for what he and they taught us and his mentorship of us. A truly great architect. #RIP #RobertVenturi passes away
— James Timberlake (@24_architect) September 19, 2018
Robert Venturi R.I.P. He is a legend, a sweetheart, a genius, and a lovable P.I.T.A. I’m honored to have worked on the @philamuseum’s wonderful retrospective on the firm Out of the Ordinary, while at @AOSarchitects.
— Donna Sink, Architect (@DonnaSinkArch) September 19, 2018
Very sad to hear of the death of Robert Venturi. He was without a doubt my favourite architect. He opened my eyes to classicism, mannerism, complexity, tension, beauty and the sheer aesthetic thrill of great architecture. He was also a kind, witty and lovely man. RIP Bob.
— Charles Holland (@charlesjholland) September 19, 2018
So very sad to hear the news that Robert Venturi has died. His writing and designs and brilliance have been an incredible inspiration to me.
— Elizabeth Greenspan (@lizgreenspan) September 19, 2018
RIP the great, inspiring Robert Venturi who opened millions of eyes and whole new ways of thinking about the richness of our architectural environment, and whose diverse work with Denise Scott Brown contains a mix of wit and humanity that continues to transcend labels and time.
— Michael Kimmelman (@kimmelman) September 19, 2018
As someone who grew up in Anywhere, USA, far away from any great works of architecture, Robert Venturi's elevation of quotidian buildings made me feel seen, made me feel like the places I had observed (and my appreciation for them) were valid and meaningful.
— kate wagner 🏘️✨ (@mcmansionhell) September 19, 2018
Robert Venturi. Author of my favourite piece of architectural theory, co-tutor of Learning from Las Vegas & from Levittown, which shaped my whole sense of what architectural research & teaching should be. & co-author of some uniquely humane, warm, funny and generous architecture.
— David Knight (@knight_david) September 19, 2018