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Can Architecture Save Humanity?
How Architecture for Humanity tries to help ruined states.
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Play It Safe
Are you prepared? Here are a few ideas for keeping staff and documents safe.
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Exhibit: EDV-01 at Little Tokyo Design Week
A self-contained mobile housing unit addresses disaster-area shelter at Los Angeles's Little Tokyo Design Week. July 13–17.
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Exhibit: EDV-01 at Little Tokyo Design Week
A self-contained mobile housing unit addresses disaster-area shelter at Los Angeles's Little Tokyo Design Week. July 13–17.
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Flood? Quake? Fire? Call an Architect.
Architects can make the difference between a resilient community and one whose hidden fissures become chasms.
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Flood? Quake? Fire? Call an Architect.
Architects can make the difference between a resilient community and one whose hidden fissures become chasms.
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Flood? Quake? Fire? Call an Architect.
Architects can make the difference between a resilient community and one whose hidden fissures become chasms.
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Needs and Deeds
Design between architecture's practice and academy for areas in need.
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Needs and Deeds
Design between architecture's practice and academy for areas in need.
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Needs and Deeds
Design between architecture's practice and academy for areas in need.