The 60-unit project in León, Mexico, aims to reduce urban sprawl and become an... More
Here are eight of the most carbon-friendly products for roofing, cladding,... More
In searching for a product with the strength of concrete but flexibility of wood... More
In searching for a product with the strength of concrete but flexibility of wood... More
A sunlight-powered kiln and a new concrete block shape could be a solution for... More
Made of 99% pre-consumer waste from stone yards and 1% natural resin, these masonry blocks are made of stone scraps layered with a soy-based binder. More
IntegraSpec. The companys panelized (knock-down) system features bi-directional and reversible components to ease installation and reduce cutting, dust, and waste. An embedded insert accepts interlocking webs (spacers) to create core widths from 4 to 12 inches, with H clips to combine spacers for wider core dimensions. Inserts also help mitigate form lift during the pour and provide 1 5/8-inch-wide nailing strips that are marked on both sides of each panel. Standard assembled wall sections (blocks) measure 48 inches long by 12 1/4 inches high. 800.382.9102. More
ARXX. A trio of ICF systems include knock-down and preassembled interlocking blocks to create walls between 4 and 24 inches thick and 60 feet high. The systems offer two- to four-hour fire resistance based on core thickness, a noise rating of STC 50 or higher, and resistance to F5 tornado winds. The ARXX Prime system (shown) is available with a 6-, 8-, or 10-inch core width and features an exposed web design (furring strips) on both faces for attachment of finish claddings. The products include recycled content and emit no VOCs. 800.293.3210. More
The need for energy efficiency is driving interest in ICFs. Here's what you need to know before trying out this building system. More
Designing with the desert heat in mind, [merrz]project provides a versatile structure that accomodates a variety of functions while keeping operating costs low. More
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