The Verti-Block retaining wall mold and concrete form system from Verti-Crete is small enough to install in a range of spaces but large enough to be installed quickly, the company says. Designed to create a stonelike texture, the form features a sliding tapered insert core that hollows out the block for lighter, easier transport. According to the company, filling the wall cavity with gravel assists with proper drainage, preventing the buildup of hydraulic pressure and strengthening the blocks' interlocking system. Each block has a 2' x 4' face and interlocks with a built-in setback of 5 percent to improve strength and maximize gravity-wall limits before requiring tiebacks.
The Verti-Block retaining wall mold and concrete form system from Verti-Crete is small enough to install in a range of spaces but large enough to be installed quickly, the company says. Designed to create a stonelike texture, the form features a sliding tapered insert core that hollows out the block for lighter, easier transport. According to the company, filling the wall cavity with gravel assists with proper drainage, preventing the buildup of hydraulic pressure and strengthening the blocks' interlocking system. Each block has a 2' x 4' face and interlocks with a built-in setback of 5 percent to improve strength and maximize gravity-wall limits before requiring tiebacks.