1. Style Profile

Call it arbitrary or call it fundamental, but style—the design rules a building follows or breaks—is a calculation in the process of creating architecture. But how does style contribute to the definition of design excellence? After the taxonomies of the 19th and 20th centuries, does style even matter anymore? If sustainability is the measure of excellent design these days, can we consider it a style unto itself? Join the AIA Committee on Design and the AIA Historic Resources Committee to investigate these questions and others in Seville, Spain, from Nov. 11 to 17.

Learn more at network.aia.org/committeeondesign.

2. Critical Regionalism

Russian Constructivist architecture combined rationalism, collectivist planning, and new ways of thinking about industrial materials. It laid the groundwork for Soviet Modernism, which flourished within what is now Russia and throughout Eastern Europe—from Tallinn to Tarnovo—as well. “Soviet Modernism 1955–1991” at Vienna’s Architekturzentrum takes up the Soviet periphery, showcasing regional differences. The show runs from Nov. 8 to Feb. 25.

Learn more at azw.at.

3. Giving a Damn

The number of licensed architects may be holding steady, but the definition of architecture is surely expanding. Architecture for Humanity’s third annual “Design Like You Give a Damn: LIVE!” conference, which includes workshops and discussions, aims to explore just that. Panel topics include eco-development for low-income communities, neighborhood security, microfinance, and disaster reconstruction. The event takes place Nov. 12 to 13 in San Francisco.

Learn more at architectureforhumanity.org/events.


4. More Than an Apple a Day

The World Health Organization has named Nov. 14 “World Diabetes Day” and Nov. 16 “World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day” to raise awareness of two diseases that affect a combined 410 million people worldwide. Architects may drink too much coffee, but more and more health experts are looking to them to help reduce the impact of these diseases and others through the design of healthful environments. Join salutogenic design expert Tye Farrow at Architecture Exchange East in Richmond, Va., on Nov. 8 to find out how.

Learn more at archex.net.

5. Feedback Loop

When The Atlantic proffered a cover story in May titled “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?”, it crystallized a debate that’s been stirring since the Palo Alto, Calif.–based social networking site launched in 2004. Even if how we connect to one another has evolved (or, as some say, devolved), why we connect with each other remains foundational. From Nov. 8 to 10, the Association of Architecture Organizations will slice open the idea of connectivity at its annual conference in Dallas and examine not only how our communities have changed in relation to ourselves, but how organizations which promote architecture can respond to this change.

Learn more at aaonetwork.org.