Aesthetic appeal and durability have traditionally been key factors for specifying paint. New advancements in coatings technology have changed the landscape, and now there are unique and innovative options to consider.
Improved indoor air quality and elimination of odors
Advanced coatings can play a vital role in improving overall indoor air quality. Airborne concentrations of formaldehydes and other aldehydes that originate from other sources in the room - such as carpet, fabrics, and insulation - are typical causes of poor indoor air quality. Paint with Formaldehyde Reducing Technology can help promote better indoor air quality by reducing the level of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from these potential sources.
In settings ranging from commercial to health care to residential, unpleasant odors are common in interior areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, patient rooms, and public spaces. Paints that feature Odor Eliminating Technology can neutralize these troublesome odors by helping to dissipate common odors of organic origin.
Technologically-advanced paints can help rooms stay fresher for longer periods of time. Sherwin-Williams Harmony® Paint, for example, is a zero-VOC formula with these groundbreaking technologies that help reduce interior odors and help improve indoor air quality by reducing airborne VOCs once the paint has dried.
Reduction of mold and mildew on the paint surface
Advanced coatings with anti-microbial agents prevent the growth of mildew and mold on the paint film, as well as inhibit bacterial odors. Minimizing paint film deterioration lessens the need for repaints, and ultimately prolongs the life of the coating.
Microbicidal properties
Microbicidal properties in advanced coatings also kill harmful bacteria on the painted surface, and continue to do so for extended periods of time. Sherwin-Williams Paint Shield® is the first EPA-registered microbicidal paint, that with exclusive patented technology kills more than 99.9 percent of Staph (Staphylococcus aureus), MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), E. coli (Escherichia coli), VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis), and Enterobacter aerogenes within two hours of exposure on a painted surface.
Third-party certification
Many paints also meet comprehensive standards for low emissions. Certifications from organizations such as The Greenguard Environmental Institute (GEI) help determine and certify if paints meet the rigorous standards for low emissions of VOCs into indoor air. GEI makes every effort to protect human health and quality of life by establishing standards and certification programs to reduce exposure to chemicals and improve indoor air quality.
Enhanced durability
Some of today’s advanced paint formulations are more durable than standard architectural coatings. They’re specially designed to stand up to wear and tear in high-traffic areas. The Sherwin-Williams line of Pro Industrial coatings combines industrial-strength performance with the pleasing appearance of traditional architectural paint, and is engineered for demanding conditions, making these coatings ideal for busy commercial and institutional environments.
Architects can create interiors that are as hardworking as they are beautiful by selecting paints that are durable and provide unique benefits now possible only thanks to today’s advanced coating technologies. Many of these benefits are an unexpected surprise and can add incredible and lasting value to key building projects, leading to increased client satisfaction.
For more information visit sherwin-williams.com/architects-specifiers-designers.