The Next Generation Lighting Systems (NGLS) program has announced its Manufacturer Call for Submissions for participation in the next round of NGLS outdoor evaluations, which will focus on connected lighting parking lot systems. The testing and evaluation will take place in the spring of 2019 at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute.
The NGLS program is organized by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solid-State Lighting Program in partnership with the Illuminating Engineering Society and the International Association of Lighting Designers. The purpose of the NGLS program is to “…evaluate today’s connected lighting systems in real-world installations, in order to identify challenges in installation and operation, reveal needed product improvements, and articulate principles and best practices that will reduce configuration complexity and enable system performance to meet expectations.”
Once the outdoor evaluation participants have been determined, manufacturers will be assigned an individual parking lot and supplied with the necessary documentation, including site drawings. The lighting systems under evaluation must meet three types of performance criteria: presence-detection performance, control-node performance, and lighting performance.
Full details are available on the NGLS outdoor evaluations webpage. Questions can also be emailed directly to [email protected].