CetraRuddy • Like a diagram of what a tall building should be, One Madison Park rises 620 feet in a single stroke: a stack of glazed boxes cantilevered off of a black spine. Retail space, a lobby, and high-end amenities, such as a spa and media room, fill the base of the lean 51-floor residential tower. Located on the southeast corner of Madison Square Park, just a block away from another iconic skyscraper, the historic Flatiron Building, CetraRuddy’s design won over the jury with its striking form. “It’s just a minimal gesture that has maximal effect,” remarked Donna Robertson.

The building’s skinny 12:1 proportion is the result of purchasing air rights for the narrow site. By applying a strategic approach to the structural system—interior reinforced concrete shear walls and a rooftop slosh tank mitigate any lateral movement—the architects were able to free up the exterior curtain walls so that each of the 71 luxury apartments comes with a sweeping view of Manhattan.

Project Credits

One Madison Park, New York
Owner Slazer Enterprises
Architect CetraRuddy, New York— John Cetra (design principal); Keith Goich (project architect); Ceacy Cook (project manager)
Interior Architect Thomas Juul-Hansen
Construction Manager Bovis Lend Lease
Structural Engineer WSP Cantor Seinuk
Civil Engineer Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
M/E/P Engineer MG Engineering
Curtain-Wall Consultant Israel Berger & Associates
Curtain-Wall Subcontractor W&W Glass
Hoist & Scaffold Atlantic Hoisting & Scaffolding
Demolition Contractor Breeze National
Foundation Subcontractor (Phase 1) Civetta Cousins
Concrete Subcontractor Century-Maxim Construction Corp.
Mechanical Subcontractor Epic Mechanical Contractors
Sprinkler Subcontractor Federated Fire Protection
Electrical Subcontractor Five Star Electric Corp.
Elevator Subcontractor Fujitec America
Caisson Subcontractor (Phase 1) Hayward Baker Geotechnical Construction
Plumbing Subcontractor Pace Plumbing Corp.
Tile & Marble Subcontractor Port Morris Tile & Marble Corp.
Drywall Subcontractor R&J Construction
Vertical Netting Subcontractor Universal Building Supply
Size 180,431 square feet
Cost $725 per square foot
Photography ©David Sundberg/Esto