Sketch by Peter Behrens of the Atlantropa Tower and North gate of the Gibraltar Dam (1931, Munich), which was included in 2016 Carter Manny Award recipient Hollyamber Kennedy's dissertation research
Courtesy of the Sörgel-Archiv, Das Deutsches Museum via the Graham Foundation Sketch by Peter Behrens of the Atlantropa Tower and North gate of the Gibraltar Dam (1931, Munich), which was included in 2016 Carter Manny Award recipient Hollyamber Kennedy's dissertation research

The Chicago-based Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts announced its annual call for entries for the Carter Manny Award, which supports doctoral students working on architecture-related dissertations. Named after director emeritus Carter Manny, who began working with the foundation when it was founded in 1956, the awards program has two parts: a research award of up to $15,000 and a writing award of up to $20,000. The program also may award Citations of Special Recognition. The 2016 writing award went to Hollyamber Kennedy, a student at Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, in support of her dissertation, "Welt bildend: Architectures of Security and Infrastructural Modernism in Germany and Beyond, 1848–1952." The research award went to Elisabeth Narkin, a student at Duke University's Department of Art, Art History and Visual Studies, to support her work, "Rearing the Royals: Architecture and the Spatialization of Royal Childhood in France, 1499–1610." Applications for the 2017 program are due by November 15.