Courtesy of Rebar Design Group

Day spas aren’t known as being incredibly green, but San Francisco-based masseuse Nell Waters has launched the SOAK campaign to build eco-spas out of shipping containers. Waters selected San Francisco-based Rebar Design Group to master-plan the bathhouse. The plan features off-grid solar panels mounted on the roof, rainwater collection facilities, and a dynamic dashboard in the public courtyard displaying real-time data on water and energy usage. Containers will be placed in vacant spaces near public transit. [The Atlantic Cities]

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The remains of a Ming Dynasty temple in the Drum Tower district of Beijing, along with dozens of historically and religiously significant buildings dating back to 1581, are facing threats of razing and rebuilding. Local residents and conservationists have worked together to fight the redevelopment, but renovations are already underway. [The New York Times]

A report published earlier this week revealed the potential dangers of undisclosed chemicals hiding in the building materials of modern homes, schools, hospitals and offices, which could be contributing some of today's increasing health problems. [The Huffington Post]

Photographer Víctor Enrich warps shots of buildings in totally bizarre ways. [Gizmodo]

This trippy building design was inspired by the musical and visual legacy of Pink Floyd. Portuguese designers Susana Dos Santos, José Pedro Azevedo, and Nuno Cabanal entered the design in A House for Pink Floyd-Architecture Competition. Although their design didn’t win the competition, the team members received offers to speak at architecture conferences. [Wired]

The Orlando Sentinel has created a "sweet 16" bracket for the best downtown in Central Florida, second to Orlando’s. [The Atlantic Cities]

New York’s New Museum is converting one of their galleries to look like the inside of a spaceship. [New Museum]

Dallas' Galleria updates Phillip Johnson's department store façade design. Johnson's 1981 design for Marshall Field & Co. featured an elegant curved exterior. Saks Fifth Avenue later occupied the building until this year, when Belk moved in. [Dallas News]

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