Creativity, innovation and style, 100% Made in Italy. Today antoniolupi is a reality with 80 employees, available in 52 countries with a consolidate turnover in 2013 of 26 million Euro (+7%) of which 30% from the Italian market and 70% internationally. A talent that comes from far away, from the desire of Andrea, but first from Antonio to explore new worlds and go far.
Featured Products
Introverso Washbasins
Faucets & Fixtures
Reflex by Antonio Lupi Design
Made of the studio's proprietary resin material, this minimalist basin weights 30 percent less than a stone bathtub.
Introverso by Antonio Lupi Design
These freestanding washbasins can be customized by breaking and removing CNC-machined layers.
Four Minimalist Bathtubs for Solace Seekers
These freestanding vessels offer style and durability.