With California’s recent water restriction mandate looming large, builders, remodelers, and homeowners will be looking for products to cut water use inside and outside the home. Here are three products to help achieve goals of 25% water usage reduction for California residents, and general water savings for homeowners nationwide.

1. Stealthy Savings

Manufacturers have dramatically cut the amount of water used by toilets in recent years from 3.5 gallons per flush (gpf) to 1.6, 1.28, or even 0.8 for many dual-flush models, but Niagara still has them beat. The Stealth Ultra High Efficiency Toilet (UHET) dual-flush mechanism uses 0.5 gpf and 0.95 gpf flush options, thanks to patented hydraulic technology that helps thoroughly evacuate the bowl with every flush. With an average of 0.65 gpf and standard installation, the Stealth UHET is an easy replacement for existing toilets. niagaracorp.com

2. Small Load, Big Impact

According to the EPA, clothes washers use more than 20% of household water. For delicates and other small loads, LG now offers a Mini Washer that holds about 4 pounds of laundry. The compact pedestal-style unit uses a fraction of the water that a full-size washer requires, but still offers all the same cycle options. The Mini Washer is available as a part of LG’s TwinWash system, but can be purchased as a standalone unit. lg.com

3. Gallons of Savings

With an average of five flushes per person per day, the men of the house can help cut a large portion of household water use by turning to a Waterless Co. No-Flush Urinal. The company’s many urinal models don’t have flush valves and require only a hook-up to discharge waste down sewer pipes. Waterless residential urinals are smaller in size than commercial styles, and pricing is comparable to most mid-priced toilets. waterless.com