Lightgap, Erco • Suitable for architectural wallwash and grazing applications, this asymmetrical linear fixture can be mounted 3.8" from the wall to provide uniform illumination. Lightgap comes in lengths of 12.25", 36", and 72" and is offered in 6W, 18W, and 36W in 3000K and 4000K at a CRI of 90-plus. The luminaire can pivot vertically 10 degrees and is switchable or zero-to-10V dimmable. • erco.com

HP-WG Wall Grazer, Finelite • This wallwash and grazing luminaire, which evenly illuminates vertical surfaces to create contrast on textured walls, is available in a minimum length of 2' with custom increments of 0.06" with 2", 4", and 6" concealed optic options. The fixture comes standard in 3000K, 3500K, and 4000K (with tunable white options between 2700K and 6000K) at a CRI of 80-plus and 90-plus. • finelite.com

LeeSti Legato Ceiling Adjustable, Archlit • Installed just 1.5" from the surface it is illuminating, this wallwasher can include a protective film to minimize LED diode imagery. Available in 2700K and 3000K, Legato delivers 1,300 lumens per foot and 1,400 lumens per foot, respectively. Trimmed or trimless options offered. The fixture can be specified in 1', 2', and 4' sections in 12.5W, 25W, and 50W. Dimming options include zero-to-10V and DIM TRIA. • archlit.com

Pilot PGM, Insight Lighting • Suitable for interior cove, grazing, or wallwashing applications, this AC-plug luminaire comes in 1' and 4' lengths. Available in 2700K, 3000K, 3500K, and 4000K, as well as with static red, blue, green, and amber LEDs, at a CRI of 82. Three power package options: 7W per foot, 10W per foot, and 13W per foot. Dimming options include zero-to-10V and TRIAC. • insightlighting.com

i402 Dual Optic Ambi-Aimable Asymmetric LED Luminaire, Electrix Illumination • A new addition to the company’s i400 family, this ultra-slim fixture provides even illumination for walls over 10' tall and is suitable for interior cove, grazing, and wallwash applications. The dimmable luminaire is available in 2700K, 3000K, 3500K, and 4000K at a CRI of 85-plus, and delivers up to 2,000 lumens per foot. Rail lengths are 22.25", 33.25", and 44.25", and come in 15.2W or 21W per linear foot. • electrixillumination.com

LW Series Wall Washer, ELP • This series of recessed, asymmetric wallwashers is suitable for drywall, T-bar, and trimless installations for wallwash, floorwash, and indirect lighting applications. Offered in lengths of 1', 2', 3', and 4', the luminaires use 11W, 22W, 33W, and 44W, respectively. Available in 2700K, 3000K, 3500K, and 4000K at a 90-plus CRI, it delivers more than 1,325 lumens per foot. • elplighting.com

K5-i400 LumiLedge High Performance Symmetric Fixed Linear LED Luminaire, Electrix Illumination • This low-profile luminaire offers narrow, asymmetric distribution for indirect lighting and can be fitted into Electrix’s K5 Knife Edge System for cove applications. Available in 7.6W-per-linear-foot or 10.5W-per-linear-foot options, in 27000K, 3000K, 3500K, and 4000K at a CRI of 85-plus. Rail lengths are offered in 22.25", 33.25", 44.25", 66.25", and 88.25". • electrixillumination.com

Pantrac, Erco • This cubic, track-mounted wallwasher, which can be specified for indoor and outdoor applications, provides even illumination through the company’s patented Spherolit lens technology and custom LED modules. The 6.6"-tall by 4.7"-wide luminaire is offered in a range of wattages from 12W to 24W in 3000K and 4000K at a CRI of 90-plus. The fixture delivers between 1,260 to 3,300 lumens and can be installed at a maximum wall height of 13'. • erco.com