Penda Architecture and Design

As part of China's International Garden Expo, Beijing– and Vienna–based firm Penda Architecture and Design has designed a temporary meadow, named "Where the River Runs," sited for Wuhan, China. The installation, which contains sunken pathways and hidden meeting places, allows visitors to walk along a winding trail through the meadow, mimicking an imaginary river. With this installation, the architects hope to highlight that clean water is not an endless resource. 

The pathways lead towards a central, sheltered plaza below the landscaped surface. As visitors wind towards the plaza, they are invited to sprinkle seeds over the grass to encourage the growth of new plants and flowers. 

Beijing, which is situated at the intersection of the Yangtze and Han rivers, and its relationship with waterways served as inspiration for the project.  According to the architects, the rivers not only brought goods from around the world, but also rich flora and fauna.

We are not important to water. It is the other way around. Our task is to find a reasonable way to survive inside its boundaries.
Penda Architecture and Design

 For more information about this project, visit dezeen