LED City, an international program that promotes energy-efficient lighting, gains two new partners in Anchorage, Alaska, and Welland, Ontario, Canada. As a city that sees fewer than eight hours of daylight for approximately 85 days out of the year, lighting plays a significant role in the lives of Anchorage citizens. The LED fixtures are expected to save the city $360,000 per year in energy costs and use 50 percent less energy.

In Welland, all incandescent traffic lights were converted to LEDs in 2005, resulting in a 66 percent reduction in power consumption. The city now is working toward retrofitting all streetlights with LEDs. The LED City initiative includes government and industrial parties working to deploy and promote LED technology to save energy, reduce maintenance costs, protect the environment, and provide better light quality. Currently, other participants in the program include: Raleigh, N.C.; Toronto; Tianjin, China; Torraca, Italy; Ann Arbor, Mich.; and Austin, Texas. More information about the LED City initiative can be found online at ledcity.org.