Lake|Flato Architects — Three new academic buildings on the Arizona State University Polytechnic campus are configured around landscaped courtyards, and a series of covered walkways, building portals, and arcades strengthen the campus-wide pedestrian circulation network. Each building—constructed primarily of locally manufactured masonry, weathered corrugated-steel siding, and glass—embraces an open-air atrium, shaded by a perforated metal screen, that plays an important role in a hierarchy of interior/exterior spaces. These spaces blur the line between inside and out through their scale, sense of enclosure, and naturally tempered air. "It's a very simple set of objects clad in different public spaces that are both places to circulate and places to hang out," said Aaron Betsky, who thought it appropriate for the desert environment. Ellen Dunham-Jones added: "The degree of difficulty is high. Going from [the existing conditions] to a place that seems really inviting is quite a remarkable achievement."
Project Credits
Client Arizona State University Design Architect Lake|Flato Architects, San Antonio—Ted Flato, Andrew Herdeg, Chris Krajcer, Matt Wallace Architect of Record RSP Architects, Tempe, Ariz.—Joe Tyndall, Beau Dromiack, John Williams, Chris Doran, John Grosskopf General Contractor DPR Landscape Architect Ten Eyck M/E/P Engineer Energy Systems Design Structural Engineer Paragon LEED Consultant Green Ideas Civil Engineer Wood Patel & Associates Acoustics McKay Conant Brook A/V Jeremiah & Associates Cost Estimating Rider Hunt Levett & Bailey Fire & Life Safety Rolf Jensen & Associates Geotechnical Speedie & Associates Lab Consultant RFD ADA Robert Lynch