ARCHITECT’s 25th annual Residential Architect Design Awards (RADA) launched its call for entries recently with a new spotlight focus category honoring the best in fireplace design. Sponsored by Heat & Glo, the award in this category also includes a special prize for the three top entries: Round-trip air and two nights’ accommodation for each winning architect or designer and a guest, plus two Expo passes to the 2025 NAHB International Builders’ Show in Las Vegas February 25-27, 2025.
“Few architectural features combine form and function as brilliantly as fireplaces,” says Paul Makovsky, editor in chief, ARCHITECT. “While the appeal of a fireplace is timeless, new ideas and innovations are changing the way we consider the feature in design—something we’re excited to see and celebrate in the entries for this new RADA category.”
Makovsky will serve as a judge for the competition, along with representatives from the architectural community and Heat & Glo. Entries will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
- Creative and aesthetically pleasing in their approach to incorporating a fireplace into a residential space (indoors and out).
- Contextualized and responsive to their surroundings (whether indoors or out) to ensure they fit into their environment.
- Whether and to what degree the fireplace elevates the experience of being in that space (whether indoors or out).
The use of Heat & Glo products isn’t required to enter or win this contest. For more on entry and eligibility requirements, judging criteria, and other contest details, see the 2024 RADA Official Rules.
Final extended entry deadline: Jan. 15, 2025
For additional deadline details, other entry categories, and how to enter, visit https://www.radesignawards.com/a or email [email protected].