
Ayers Saint Gross

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Locations & Contacts

  • 1040 Hull Street
    Suite 100

    Baltimore, MD 21230
    Luanne Greene
    [email protected]
  • 60 E. Rio Salado Parkway
    Suite 701

    Tempe, AZ 85281
    Jack Black
    [email protected]
  • 1100 First Street, NE
    Suite 800

    Washington, DC 20002
    Jason Wilcoxon
    [email protected]
More Locations & Contacts


Adam Gross


  • President

Firm Description

Ayers Saint Gross is an internationally-recognized design firm focused on mission driven clients in higher education and cultural institutions. Founded in 1912, we have a cross-disciplinary staff of design professionals organized around architecture, landscape architecture, interiors, planning, and graphic design. Our mission is to engage people and places to create designs that enrich our world.


  1. Jack C. Taylor Visitor Center

    Jack C. Taylor Visitor Center

    Saint Louis, MO

  2. Award Winning Arizona State University Hayden Library Reinvention

    Arizona State University Hayden Library Reinvention

    Tempe, AZ

  3. Award Winning Milken Institute School of Public Health

    Milken Institute School of Public Health

    Washington, DC, United States

  4. Award Winning National Aquarium Waterfront Campus Plan

    National Aquarium Waterfront Campus Plan


  5. Award Winning The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon

    The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon

    Mount Vernon, Va.

  6. Award Winning Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory, University of Delaware

    Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Laboratory, University of Delaware

    Newark, Delaware

  7. Award Winning Maryland House and Chesapeake House Travel Plazas

    Maryland House and Chesapeake House Travel Plazas


  8. Award Winning Health Sciences Education Building, Phoenix Biomedical Campus

    Health Sciences Education Building, Phoenix Biomedical Campus

    Phoenix, AZ, USA

  9. Award Winning Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Lab

    Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Lab

    University of Delaware’s Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Lab

  10. Award Winning Meeting Barn, Dixie Plantation, College of Charleston

    Meeting Barn, Dixie Plantation, College of Charleston

    Charleston, SC, United States

  11. ASG+Patkau Proposal for MLK Library

    ASG+Patkau Proposal for MLK Library

    Washington, DC, United States

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