Award Winning
West Campus Residence, by Alterstudio and Mell Lawrence Architects
Austin, Texas
Balcones House
Austin, TX
Award Winning
Mod Cott
Burnet, TX, United States
announcing the winners of rada 2010!
The 11th annual residential architect Design Awards received 978 entries in 16 categories. Just 26 projects were singled out for accolades, making RADA the most competitive residential architecture awards program in the country. The jury comprised six distinguished architects, including Ed Binkley, AIA, ed binkley design, Oviedo, Fla.; Louise Harpman, Assoc. AIA, Specht Harpman, Austin, Texas; Jennifer Luce, AIA, LUCE et Studio, San Diego; John V. Mutlow, FAIA, RIBA, University of Southern California School of Architecture, Los Angeles; Julie Snow, FAIA, Julie Snow Architects, Minneapolis; and Richard Williams, FAIA, Richard Williams Architects, Washington, D.C. In all, they bestowed 19 Merit awards, six Grand awards, and one Project of the Year award.

The Winners of the 2021 Residential Architect Design Awards
This year's jury selected 21 winners that showcase the best in emerging and established residential architecture categories.

Mod Cott, Burnet, Texas
The jury loved the way this Texas guesthouse and weekend retreat juxtaposes rough-edged elements and polished precision.