

Locations & Contacts

  • 290 Congress Street
    5th Floor

    Boston, MA 02210-1005
    [email protected]


Kevin B. Sullivan


  • Payette

Firm Description



  1. Award Winning Lafayette College Rockwell Integrated Sciences Center

    Lafayette College Rockwell Integrated Sciences Center

    Easton, PA

  2. Media Lab Cleanroom

    Media Lab Cleanroom

    Cambridge, MA

  3. Award Winning Science and Engineering Complex

    Science and Engineering Complex

    Medford, MA

  4. Award Winning Rajen Kilachand Center for Integrated Life Sciences and Engineering

    Rajen Kilachand Center for Integrated Life Sciences and Engineering

    Boston, MA

  5. Award Winning Amherst College New Science Center

    Amherst College New Science Center

    Amherst, MA

  6. Award Winning Beyond Walls: Building on the Vibrancy of Lynn, by Payette

    Beyond Walls: Building on the Vibrancy of Lynn, by Payette

    Lynn , MA

  7. Award Winning Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex, by Payette

    Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex, by Payette

    Boston, MA

  8. Award Winning Milken Institute School of Public Health

    Milken Institute School of Public Health

    Washington, DC, United States

  9. National Coast Guard Museum

    National Coast Guard Museum

    New London, CT, United States

  10. Award Winning Biosciences Research Building

    Biosciences Research Building

    Galway, Ireland

  11. Award Winning Fifth XiangYa Hospital

    Fifth XiangYa Hospital

    ChangSha, China

  12. Duke University Environment Hall, Nicholas School of the Environment

    Duke University Environment Hall, Nicholas School of the Environment

    Durham, NC, United States

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