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Case Study: Terra Numa Custom Home, St. George, Utah

Blending with its spectacular surroundings, this practical NGBS-certified custom home provides shelter, comfort, and efficiency in the Utah desert. More

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Open-Cell, Spray-Foam Insulation From Demilec

Demilec. Sealection 500 open-cell, spray-applied, semi-rigid polyurethane foam is fully water-blown and delivers an R-value of 3.81 per inch. The companys premium product, Agribalance, is a water-blown open-cell foam that contains more than 10% renewable agricultural-based materials and delivers R-4.45 per inch. Both products are certified by Energy Star and EcoLogo. Finally, Heatlok Soy closed-cell foam is made of recycled plastic materials and renewable soy oils, and uses Enovate 3000, a blowing agent the firm says has a low GWP. It offers R-6.6 per inch and carries Energy Star, Air Barrier Association of America, and Greenguard certifications. Sealection Agribalance and Heatlok Soy meet Biobased Affirmative Procurement Program criteria. 877.336.4532. More

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Merit Award: The Sage, Eugene, Ore.

A compact lot and small footprint don't stop this ultra-green demonstration home from living large. More

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Merit Award: The Sage, Eugene, Ore.

A compact lot and small footprint don't stop this ultra-green demonstration home from living large. More

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Merit Award: Single-Family Sustainable Residence, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

A traditional barn-like exterior combines with an extensive list of sustainability-boosting details in this high-performance home. More

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Merit Award: Single-Family Sustainable Residence, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

A traditional barn-like exterior combines with an extensive list of sustainability-boosting details in this high-performance home. More

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Greater Dallas Green Built Parade of Homes Showcases Sustainable Building

When builder Mike Scarlett signed on to participate in the HBA of Greater Dallas Green Built Parade of Homes, which debuted in September, he had never so much as built an Energy Star house. But he rose to the challenge, hiring a consultant to help him decode such eco-measures as spray-foam insulation, dual-flush toilets, and the use of recycled materials. Scarlett, owner of Scarlett Custom Homes in Frisco, Texas, was one of seven builders who showcased Parade homes that feature key building techniques from the Green Built North Texas program. The new certification program, scheduled for rollout in early 2008, is a regional adaptation of NAHB’s Model Green Home Building Guidelines and requires builders to implement a minimum of 38 components from six categories, ranging from energy and water efficiency to recycling and indoor air quality. More

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Blown-in-Place polyurethane foams

Events Calendar


130 William

Adjaye Associates, Hill West Architects

Condor Street Housing

Merge Architects

Double Stoop House

Model Practice

Falcon Ledge Residence

Alterstudio Architecture

Garden Laneway House

Williamson Williamson Inc.

West Lynn Residence

A Parallel Architecture

River Bend Residence

Lake|Flato Architects

The Rose Apartments

Brooks + Scarpa

Henry Island Guesthouse

Bohlin Cywinski Jackson

Forest Retreat

Scalar Architecture

Sunnydale Community Center

Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects

National Juneteenth Museum

Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), KAI Enterprises

Wacheno Welcome Center

Opsis Architecture

The Ecology School

Kaplan Thompson Architects, Briburn, Simons Architects

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