BIG's project page
Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) BIG's project page

If you've ever visited Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG)'s website, you've seen the landing page that lists the Danish firm's projects in little square icons. It's cheery, even if sometimes a bit hard to find the project you want to look at. But yesterday, I noticed a new addition to the 2016 section, right above the Skum Pavilion icon.

The Arkinoid project icon
The Arkinoid project icon

This new icon links to an online game, called Arkinoid, which BIG developed with Copenhagen-based Ruby Studio. "We finished it last week but it was originally created way back around the time BIG was founded," says the firm's head of communications, Daria Pahhota, in an email. "It's a BIG style reinterpretation of the classic arcade game Arkanoid. This one is Archinoid."

For the game, the BIG team has rejiggered those project icons so they are no longer links to their work, but blocks to be eliminated by a paddle and a bouncing ball. See a preview below, and click here to play.

This post has been updated.