The following is a press release from AIA announcing that former AIA president Carl Elefante, FAIA, will testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy.

WHAT: The American Institute of Architects (AIA) 2018 President Carl Elefante, FAIA, will testify tomorrow at the U.S. House Energy & Commerce’s Subcommittee on Energy hearing, “Building a 100 Percent Clean Economy: Solutions for the U.S. Building Sector.”

Elefante is testifying on behalf of AIA based on his significant background and expertise in sustainable and resilient design strategies and strong understanding of needed improvements to U.S. building codes to achieve climate goals in the built environment.

AIA recently launched a landmark initiative to drive climate action among the architecture profession. As part of this effort, AIA is calling on architects around the world to support humanity’s collective call to climate action through an unrelenting commitment to sustainable and resilient design. Earlier this week, the Institute issued a statement, Where We Stand: Climate Action, detailing its initial path forward to support architects in making progress towards achieving net-zero emissions in the built environment by 2050.

Members of the media can obtain more information on the hearing and watch Elefante’s testimony on a live webcast through the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce’s website beginning at 9 a.m. EST tomorrow.

WHO: Architect Carl Elefante, FAIA, testifies before U.S. House Energy and Commerce’s ,Subcommittee on Energy Chairman Bobby L. Rush (D-IL) and Ranking Member Fred Upton (R-MI).

WHEN: 9 a.m. EST, Friday, Sept. 20, 2019.

WHERE: John D. Dingell Room, 2123 Rayburn House Office Building and online.