Atlanta-based Mack Scogin Merrill Elam Architects faced numerous challenges in designing the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. The buildable area was limited by a large zone of subsurface rock and sewer lines. And the architects were charged with designing a single, signature building that could be treated as two separate facilities.

Jury: “The building not only matches the culture and aspirations of the school, but also provides campus connections that had been clearly missing before. The fenestration and zinc exterior skin surprisingly relate beautifully to the campus fabric without being literal.”

Client: “The skin and the form of the building speak to the 21st century. Yet inside it is a very comfortable space. The organization of the building worked so well right from the start—the sense that this is public space merging with private space. It is a leading-edge, contemporary building housing world-class science … [that has] this innate, comfortable feel inside.” —Ralph Horgan, associate vice provost, Campus Design & Facility Development, Carnegie Mellon