No place in the world will be able to escape the ramifications of climate change, but some are better positioned than others.
New York Times reporter Jonah Engel Bromwich spoke with Dr. Benjamin Strauss of Climate Central, an independent nonprofit research collaboration of scientists and journalists, David W. Titley, a professor of meteorology at Penn State University, and Katharine Hayhoe, a professor of political science at Texas Tech University who works with cities to build resilience to climate risks.
These three experts identified nine cities in North America where people could move to to avoid climate change threats like floods, fires, and droughts. The key is not just location such as inland, but rather the qualities of the cities.
Detroit, Chicago, Madison, Wis., Boise, Idaho, State College, Pa. and Toronto weren't shocking choices, since they're all located away from large oceans. More shocking were Portland, Me. New York City and San Francisco, which all have topographical advantages like higher elevations and security from heat.
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