The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through its solid-state lighting program, will present a webinar on Oct. 20, 2016, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EST, titled “Get the Facts on LED Street Lighting.” The 30-minute webinar will be given by Bruce Kinzey of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and will be followed by a 30-minute live Q&A session.

The webinar is intended to address key issues related to the recent American Medical Association (AMA) report citing concerns about “…the potential for increased blue-wavelength light in the night sky resulting from the ongoing conversion of high-pressure sodium street lighting to LED.” The webinar also seeks to clarify facts from misinformation and includes material that was part of a presentation given in September at the Illuminating Engineering Society's 2016 Street and Area Lighting Conference. The webinar will:

· Address the issues underlying the AMA concerns and their applicability to LED street lighting· Provide essential background context related to exposure to light at night
· Review activities currently being supported by DOE's Solid-State Lighting Program to fill in existing knowledge gaps.

Additional information about the webinar can be found on the webinar registration page.