On October 14, 2017, the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) and LUCI (Lighting Urban Community International) signed a Friendship Agreement between the two organizations during the IALD Enlighten Americas conference in Denver. Victor Palacio, IALD President, and Mark Burton-Page, LUCI General Director, signed the agreement. The document highlights the common goals of the two associations and their recognition of “…the importance of light and lighting design in the planning and development or urban spaces, and that quality of light is essential to quality of life.”
The partnership will “…promote cooperative discussion, efforts and activities to raise awareness on the crucial role of light in architectural and urban design.” The agreement also marks a significant step forward in formalizing “…a structured dialogue between cities and lighting designers worldwide.”

During the ceremony, IALD President Victor Palacio said, “The Friendship Agreement asserts our intention of exchanging information and increasing collaboration between our two organizations. More cooperation between LUCI and the IALD will foster better projects and developments in cities worldwide.” Mark Burton-Page, General Director of LUCI followed, saying, “Public lighting needs to be a multi-lateral, multi-layered co-construction between cities, industry, researchers and lighting designers. We look forward to strengthening the relationship between LUCI and IALD.”
The IALD was established in 1969 and has a network of more than 1,400 lighting design professionals worldwide. LUCI was established in 2002 in Lyon, France, and serves as an international network of cities promoting urban lighting. To date, LUCI has 110 member cities on five continents. Its annual meeting will take place next month in Durham, England, from November 13 to 16.