The International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) Enlighten Asia 2019 conference will take place March 6 to 7, 2019 in Tokyo at Tokyo Big Sight, one of the largest convention and exhibition center in Japan. The theme of the conference is to be announced. As are all IALD Enlighten Conferences, IALD Enlighten Asia 2019 is a no product show and speakers cannot promote or demonstrate products as part of their presentations.
Interested parties are asked to submit seminar proposals for 60-minute sessions. Materials must be submitted via email (email is the only way proposals will be accepted), no later than June 30, 2018 (Tokyo time) to: [email protected].
Seminar proposals must include:
- Title of presentation
- Outline of presentation
- CV for each of the proposed speakers (Note: A maximum of two speakers are permitted for one session.)
Selected candidates will be notified in mid-August 2018. For further details go to the IALD website.