Courtesy IES

The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) has announced the dates for its fourth research symposium; it will take place April 8 - 10, 2018, at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta Midtown. The 2018 symposium, titled “Light + Human Health: Circadian, Biological + Behavioral” will focus on topics that address the impact of light on human health. The symposium seeks to bring together researchers and design professionals to discuss the development and adoption of metrics and standards, as well as design applications and recommended practices for this growing area of interest in the lighting community.

Individuals “actively involved in the study and practice of light and lighting are invited to submit posters describing their work and how human health can be affected as a result.” Topics of interest include:

  • Impacts of light on circadian rhythms and other physiological responses;
  • Metrics and measurement approaches for light as it influences human health; and
  • Applications combining visual needs with human health concerns in the built environment.

The posters will serve as a key component of the symposium proceedings, complementing presentations by invited speakers. Accepted poster authors will also be invited to submit their work for the Symposium Final Report and to the IES Journal Leukos.

Poster abstracts are to be submitted to the IES Research Symposium Poster Coordinator, John Bullough, via email: [email protected]. Abstracts, explaining the poster content and it relation to the symposium theme, should be no more than 500 words.

The submission deadline schedule is as follows:
December 15, 2017: Deadline for abstract submission
January 15, 2018: Authors notified of acceptance
March 15, 2018: Deadline for final poster abstract
April 8-10, 2018: Symposium – Atlanta, GA
April 30, 2018: Deadline for poster PDF, extended abstract (1 to 2 pages/1 to 2 figures) or full paper (up to 10 pages) for inclusion in Symposium Final Report.

Robert Davis is the Symposium Planning Committee Chair. He can be reached by email at: [email protected].

For general symposium questions, contact the IES at: [email protected].

Technical questions about poster submission (topics, content, etc...) should be addressed to the IES Research Symposium Poster Coordinator John Bullough. He can be reached by phone – 518-687-7100 – or by email: [email protected].