Lighting manufacturer Luraline Products has announce the winner of its fourth annual "It's Your Light" student design competition--Interior design major Hollis Machala from Mount Ida College in Newton, Massachusetts. Machala's luminaire design named "120 Mystery," is a pendant fixture that provides up and downlighting through a creative use of materials and construction. The fixture is intended primarily for use in restaurant installations, part of the broad category of retail lighting that was the focus of this year's competition.

"The '120 Mystery' pendant consists of two symmetrical curved sides, which direct light both up and down without producing glare," Machala said in a competition press release. "The mystery of the luminaire stems from the way the light is blocked on the symmetrical curved sides of the fixture. The viewer should see the fixture and say, 'What is making that glow?'"

The contest jury, comprised of design, architecture, and lighting industry professionals, chose Ms. Machala's design from more than 100 entries, and she received a $1,500 cash prize. "The jury was particularly impressed with the quality of Ms. Machala's presentation, from the concept to the drawings to the design," states Luraline President Howard Levine in a press release. "'120 Mystery' offers adaptability in its shapes, materials and configurations, and is suitable for a multitude of retail applications, from restaurants to hospitality and more."

The annual "It's Your Light" competition solicits original design concepts for lighting fixtures from design and architecture students throughout the U.S. For more details, please call (800) 940-6588 or visit