Students and faculty at the 11 lighting programs worldwide that offer either a degree or a certificate in lighting, according to the parameters outlined by the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) Education Trust (See “IALD Education Trust Lighting Education Program Survey,” Nov/Dec 2007, p. 21–26), have been extremely busy during the 2009–2010 academic semesters. Here, we present a snapshot of some of the milestone achievements within the lighting programs at U.S. academic institutions. Visit archlighting.com for a review of all the programs, including those outside the U.S.—Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada; the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College, London; HAWK, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hilderscheim, Germany; Hochschule Wismar, University of Technology, Business, and Design, Wismar, Germany; and KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Faculty School of Technology and Health, Handen, Sweden. These activities illustrate the diversity of lighting education today.
Student achievements of 2010 graduates: Matthew Reifsteck presented his thesis project “Architectural Applications for Digital Lighting Specifically Adapted to Museum Art Lighting” at the 2010 Light Symposium in Stockholm. Francesca Bastianini received a Richard Kelly Grant in support of her ongoing research regarding lighting for homeless populations (see page 42). Stephen Kaye received the Velux Award, an international student competition for theoretical daylighting applications. His project was selected from more than 700 submission and was based on his thesis, which examined daylighting interventions for subterranean public spaces. Antonia Peon-Veiga was one of eight finalists for the Targetti Light Art competition. Her work, selected from more than 800 submissions, was based on work she created in a light art elective.
Faculty achievements: Linnaea Tillett spoke at the 2010 Lighting Symposium in Stockholm. Craig Bernecker spoke at the 2010 IALD Enlighten Conference in Denver, Colo. He presented initial research findings by Parsons students and future planning for the elective “Lighting for Developing Countries.” Bernecker also continues to serve as the educational facilitator for Lightfair, where he works with the Conference Advisory Committee to develop the conference program. At Lightfair 2010 he taught a two-day course, Intermediate Lighting, and the seminar “Lamp and Ballast Basics.” Matthew Tanteri was designated an IES Fellow for his advancement of daylighting through education and practice and for the art and science of illumination. Tanteri was also a symposium participant accompanying the exhibition “The Structure of Light: Richard Kelly and the Illumination of Modern Architecture,” at the Yale School of Architecture in New Haven, Conn. His essay titled “Two Skylights” was included in The Structure of Light: Richard Kelly and the Illumination of Modern Architecture, edited by Dietrich Neumann.
Student Activities: Ph.D. student Michael Royer received the 2010 Jonas Bellovin Scholar Achievement Award from the Nuckolls Fund for Lighting Education. Ph.D. student Andrea Wilkerson received the 2010 Thomas M. Lemons Scholarship, a University Graduate Fellowship, and an IALD Future Educator Fellowship. M.S. student Minchen Wei was awarded an IES Young Professionals Scholarship to attend the 2010 IES Annual Conference. Wei was also one of the editors of the book Green LED Lighting Technology, and was responsible for the chapters on signal lighting, road lighting, LED packaging technology, and OLEDs. Fourth-year students Tony Esposito and Yuduo Zhao both received the Robert J. Besal Fund Scholarship from Acuity Brands Lighting for the 2010–2011 academic year. Fifth-year student Leland Curtis received a Robert J. Besal Fund Scholarship for the 2010–2011 academic year, as well as a Philadelphia IES Section Scholarship. Fifth-year student Patrick Morgan received the Martin Dougherty Scholarship.
Department/Faculty Activities: The Architecture and Engineering Department was awarded the Department of Energy Innovation Hub for Energy Efficient Buildings Research Grant, which includes lighting work related to integrated design tools, innovative technologies, and public policy issues that can lead to better energy efficiency in buildings. Project CANDLE (Create an Alliance to Nurture Design in Lighting Education), a program with an IALD Grant to Enhance, supported five students to attend the 2010 IALD Annual Conference and nine students to attend Lightfair 2010. Kevin Houser, SA Fotios, Rick Mistrick, and MP Royer published several scientific papers in the IES journal Leukos. Houser also made several presentations at industry events including the LED Show, the Taiwan Solid-State Lighting Conference, and Lightfair. Mistrick completed major enhancements to the Daysim software that allow designers to evaluate daylighting system performance with new, annual daylight analysis metrics. He also worked with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to test new programs developed for Radiance. This work was presented at the 2010 IES Conference in Toronto, Nov. 7–9.
Aaron Smith, an LRC master's student, has developed a sustainable lighting technology called the Blind Minder, which has the potential to reduce energy consumption by reminding people to open their blinds and use daylight from a window instead of using electric lighting. The product is ready for the first stage of trial testing. Yiting Zhu, Ph.D., is the first graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's doctoral degree program in architectural science with a concentration in lighting. This doctorate degree is the highest available in the field of lighting and a first-of-its-kind in the lighting industry. Zhu's graduate research focused on solid-state lighting, with an emphasis on advancing phosphor technology to improve the color quality and efficacy of white LEDs. Zhu has accepted a position with the LRC as lead research specialist and manager of technology testing and evaluation. Sara Nonaka, a graduate student pursuing her M.S. in Lighting, was selected to receive one of five 2009–2010 national scholarships from the Besal Lighting Education Fund. Faculty member Mariana Figueiro, Ph.D., was awarded tenure making her an associate professor. She also received the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's James M. Tien '66 Early Career Award for Faculty.