The Professional Lighting Design Convention (PLDC) is accepting proposals for papers through Nov. 18, 2016, 11:00 p.m. GMT. The sixth iteration of the conference will be held Nov. 1 - Nov. 4, 2017, in Paris at the Palais des Congrès. The Call for Papers is open to “…experienced practicing professional lighting designers as well as the new generation of lighting professionals, plus dedicated researchers and educators, industry representatives and professionals from related disciplines whose work affects and involves professional lighting designers.”
Individuals are asked to submit presentation proposals in one of the five content tracks—Research, Lighting Application Studies, Professional Practice Issues, Urban Life 4.0, and Research & Development. All tracks, with the exception of the Research categories, are for 45 minute sessions. The Research categories are for 20 minute sessions. These have been divided into two tracks, based on attendee feedback, in order to distinguish between the work of designers and academics (Research) and lighting manufacturers (Research & Development). Papers must “… be at a professional level and target a professional audience.” Previously published and presented papers will not be accepted. All presentations will be given in English.
In addition to the six invited keynote speakers, approximately 72 presented papers and 20 electronic poster sessions, there will also be a series of Experience Rooms/Spaces, which will allow conference participants “…to actively experience light (and darkness) through different topics of interest…”. Individuals interested in submitting ideas for Experience Rooms must also submit through the Call for Papers preview process. To learn more about the criteria for Experience Room proposals, click here.
All proposals will be blind reviewed by three independent lighting experts/professionals from the lighting design community. Selected speakers will be notified by Feb. 13, 2017.
For the full Call for Papers, outlining all details, click here.
To submit papers via the required electronic process, click here.
For full conference details and associated activities and events, click here.