Courtesy RMLA

The Rocky Mountain Lighting Academy (RMLA), established through the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder has announced the dates for its 2019 courses: June 6 - 9. All participants are introduced to lighting fundamentals such as light and vision, visual perception, IES TM-30 color metrics, light and health issues, and LED systems, no matter whether they opt for the Technical course or the Design course.

Classes are taught by RMLA faculty members, lighting industry and design professionals and include Walter Beamer, Teal Brogden, Bob Davis, Mark Jongewaard, Jill Mulholland, Jeff Quinlan, Jennifer Scheib, Gary Trott, and Sandra Vasconez.

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Early bird rates are valid through Feb. 28, 2019. Full program detail are available on the RMLA website.