Out of sight shouldn’t mean out of mind. The roof may often be less visible than other components of the building envelope, but it’s no less important. We found seven products that set out to improve roof performance, from keeping moisture out to securing beams and supports, and to letting a little natural light in. Want to daylight a really big space? We’ve got that covered, too. 

SkyVault Series, Solatube International
Daylighting systems can be challenging to spec for large, busy venues such as convention halls, warehouses, and retail centers due to their inability to react quickly to environmental changes. Solatube International's SkyVault M74 DS open-ceiling daylighting system targets those applications. A 29”-diameter opening collects and diffuses light through reflective tubing that can run up to 100 feet in certain applications such as high-bay spaces. A prefabricated curb cap with R-6 rigid insulation secures the roof opening, while the system’s diffuser filters out infrared and UV rays to manage cooling costs and protect against interior fading. Available with a single- or dual-glazed dome and an optional security guard. solatube.com

LightMount, SolarCity
Restrictions on rooftop loads for commercial buildings can be a roadblock to installing photovoltaic panels. SolarCity—which sells, installs, finances, and monitors solar energy systems for building operators and homeowners—found a way to mount solar racks in commercial applications that disperses their weight effectively. LightMount, the company’s nonpenetrating curb, adheres to the roof membrane and reduces the panels’ distributed weight from approximately 4 pounds per square foot to 2 pounds per square foot, helping roofs accommodate heavier systems. The mount is available for commercial projects that use the company’s solar photovoltaic system. solarcity.com

HTHGQ, HTHMQ, and HHSUQ, Simpson Strong-Tie
Previously only offered via custom order, the HTHGQ, HTHMQ, and HHSUQ (shown) high-capacity truss hangers are now part of Simpson Strong-Tie’s standard catalog. The girder hanger HTHGQ is designed to carry up to five-ply trusses or structural composite lumber without using a bolted connection. The HTHMQ multiple truss hanger can accommodate truss members at many angles, of varying sizes, and comprising a range of plies. The HHSUQ is a face-mount, truss-to-truss, and structural composite lumber hanger that can accommodate severe skews. strongtie.com

Fluid Applied Metal Roofing Systems, Firestone Building Products
Replacing a roof can be costly, but Fluid Applied Metal Roofing Systems, a family of products from Firestone Building Products, provides restoration options that can protect and extend the service life of a roof. The system can reduce a roof’s temperature by up to 100 F and reduce peak cooling demands of a building by as much as 15%, according to the manufacturer. The collection of products includes metal top coats, primers, and patching, skylight restoration, and seam tape and fabrics. firestonebpco.com

TremLock T-238 Metal Roofing System, Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance
The TremLock T-238 metal roofing system from Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance can save time and money on jobsites. The symmetrical, two-piece standing-seam roof panels can be installed from left to right, right to left, or starting from the center of the roof. The system also allows panel clips—16 or 24 gauge—to be pre-installed. Suitable for both new and existing construction, the metal roofing system’s two-piece, mechanically seamed panels can be used on many building types, including open framing. tremcoroofing.com

Green Roof Pavers, Green Roof Blocks
Green Roof Blocks makes its rooftop pavers from 100% post-consumer recycled tires. Available in red and green, the 24”-square Green Roof Pavers add to the company’s modular vegetative roof systems. At 1.75” thick, they can be cut to size using a standard power saw. greenroofblocks.com

Vault, Roofing Penetration Housings
Roof Penetration Housings’ Vault is a weather-sealed aluminum casing that serves as a centralized entry point for pipes, cables, conduits, and other tubes that enter a building through the roof. As a result, the chance of water infiltration and air leakage through roof penetrations are reduced. The box is available in six sizes to accommodate different volumes and connection types. The smallest unit is 12” long by 10” wide and 22” tall; the largest is 34” square in plan and 24” tall.  roofpenetrationhousings.com Note: This article has been updated since first publication to clarify SolaTube International's name and that its SkyVault's 100-foot runs are intended only for specific applications such as high-bay spaces.