Tyvek Fluid Applied Flashing and Joint Compound+, DowDuPont
This elastomeric flashing and joint compound material is a vapor permeable, low-VOC product engineered to serve as a barrier to air and water. Suitable for a variety of applications, including filling seams, cracks, and holes in commercial wall substrates, and sealing around penetrations, it can be applied using a trowel or a brush. Tyvek's ideal installation temperature ranges from 25 F (ambient) to 140 F (surface) and should not be installed when ambient temperature exceed 95 F. Expected to exceed ASHRAE 90.1 and IECC air leakage requirements when tested in accordance with ASTM E2357, a standard test for determining air leakage of air barrier assemblies. Can withstand nine months of UV exposure, according to the company. dow-dupont.com